About Us Trade and Investment

All queries related to trade and investment regarding Mali may please be directed to: 

Shri Kamal Verma
Embassy of India
Bamako (Mali)
Tel.   00-223-20220813
Fax : 00223 20235417
Mobile :  00-223-94793705
Email: admn[dot]bamako[at]mea[dot]go[dot]in/eco[dot]bamako[at]mea[dot]go[dot]in

(For Travel and Business Advisory, please click here)

Trade and investment relations between our two countries are below the immense potential that exists between the two countries. The volume of bilateral trade between the two countries has not been significant. There is potential in the field of power, communications, IT, education, mining, agriculture, automobile and pharmaceuticals etc. Gold, livestock and agriculture account for almost 85% of Mali’s exports. Mali has a liberal and friendly investment and trade policy. Good investment opportunities exist in the fields of agriculture (cotton, food processing, abattoirs and tanneries), automobiles (two-wheeler segment), mining and pharmaceuticals (generic drugs). The country has extensive, yet to be exploited, mineral resources such as chromium, copper, granite, gypsum, lead lithium, manganese, nickel, palladium, thorium, tin, titanium, tungsten, uranium etc   and provides attractive incentives for infrastructural development.  

Malian economy is primarily based on agriculture and livestock husbandry which together account for almost 50 % of the country’s GDP.  Mali is the second largest producer of long staple cotton in Africa, after Egypt.  Mali is one of the largest producers of mangoes in Africa but lacks processing facilities. Mali also has one of the largest livestock in Africa.  This provides opportunities in the food processing sector including meat – processing and setting up of modern abattoirs.  Mali does not have any modern tanneries.  Most of the raw hides and skins are exported.  

 Mali is Africa’s third leading gold producer (after South Africa and Ghana) and has an estimated reserve of 600-800 tonnes.  There is considerable scope for joint ventures for production of gold and fabrication and marketing of jewelery in Mali.  Phosphates, uranium, bauxite, zinc, manganese, tin and copper are also abundant in Mali and remain unexploited.  Oil exploration is also being undertaken.  The Malian government is keen to undertake exploration and exploitation of Mali's mineral resources. With a population of around 15 million exposed to tropical diseases, Mali is a good market for Indian generic medicines and pharmaceutical products.  There is already good awareness of our capabilities and competitiveness in this area.  This needs to be translated into commercial contracts for our companies. Automobile sector, particularly the two-wheeler segment, also offers good opportunities for our automobile and auto-parts manufacturers.

Indian exports to Mali: During 2018-19, Indian exports to Mali were worth US$ 130.69 million which is just 0.04% of India’s global exports. The items included pharmaceutical products, chemical products, machinery and mechanical appliances, automobile, woven fabrics, articles of iron/steel, cereals, miscellaneous chemical products, plastic and articles, electrical machinery and equipments and man-made filaments etc.

Malian export to India: Mali’s exports to India during 2018-19 were worth US$ 18.31 million only. Mali’s exports to India during 2017-18 was US$ 114.14 million. The main items were cotton, natural or cultured pearls, stones, jewellery, gum arabic and cashew nuts etc.

Indian Investment in Mali: Indian commodities, pharmaceutical and light engineering products have a significant presence in this country that otherwise has abundance of Chinese/EU products. Indians in Mali are engaged primarily in business, mining, power, steel, cement, pharmaceuticals and agro industry sectors. Additionally, Indian companies also have presence in execution of Lines of Credit (LoC)-related activities in Mali - power transmission, agricultural and food processing etc.

Malian Investment in India: Mali has no investment/enterprise in India yet.